Clash of titans!!!two most powerful women in Absu makes move for Absu vice president

It has become a very power race or will I say a struggle as the two most powerful women in Abia state university comes out for the post of vice president.this have caused a great watch out in the media world.when our correspondence was talking to Absu students, it seems the answers to these questions had know reply.who will win the crown?,who will finally become 002?this questions have not been answered because some say "There are both good",others say this is like Barack Obama against Abraham Lincoln or Karl Marx against wax Weber but nevertheless the will be a winner. Karlnewswatch tried to reach the incumbent vice president comrade ujor oluchi on this matter but we couldn't reach her.some say this is a clash of Titan but we think that the best would of our correspondence in Absu was able to meet the both parties and he had the opportunity to chat with them.
When asked her name,course, post or office held ever in your life, level and what she think  about the post of Absu vice president,this was her response; Thank you very much,I Am Ngumoha Goodness.C,
A 400l Education/Accountancy.
Actually In sec sch I was the assistant sch prefect.
In 2012 I was the departmental vice president in fed.poly uwana.
Once aspired for SUG fin/sec.
Now aspiring for SUG VP.
I know that students have suffered a enough,and am going their to put an end to that.I will  not bore you with long and empty promises but I just want Absu students to know that
My Aim for the post is for the betterment of the Union. To represent the Union and speak for the speechless, organize programs that will motivate the life of the students.
Because of time we had to end there in other to see her opponent. fortunately for us we we're able to meet her.when asked the same questions, these were her response;
Okay. I'm DEBORAH JAMES (DJ) . A 400l student of political science.  Prior to my aspiration for SUG Vice Presidency I was a part of APAGS electoral committee. By APAGS I mean "Association of Public Administration and Government students. According to Karlmarx " Every society gets the kind of government it deserves " by implication the degree of governmental responsiveness or redundancy is directly and tangentially determined by the people . How? Through their votes. Hence , having observed the lukewarm nature of the present SUG it has become an insurmountable desire in my heart to give "A TOUCH OF VIBRANCY IN STUDENT UNIONISM" and this mission  summarizes my manifesto which remains "VIBRANCY IN STUDENT UNIONISM.
That brings us to the end of today's segment of WHAT HAPPENS INSIDE SCHOOL.LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE@NEWSWATCH


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