
Showing posts from February, 2020

project topic on fair hearing

Type your search query and hit enter: Footer Type your search query and hit enter: "}" height="280" width="336" data-amp-3p-sentinel="0-6922275943566837161" allow="sync-xhr 'none';" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" allowtransparency="" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" sandbox="allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-forms allow-modals allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts" class="i-amphtml-fill-content" id="google_ads_iframe_1"> HOMEPAGE OPINION ARTICLES OPINION Fair Hearing and Its Importance In The Administration of Justice In Nigeria by Ikuforiji Dimeji From time immemorial the principle of fair hearing has been considered as part of the rules of natural justice.  The Bar Credit: Artistic Impression From time immemorial the principle of fair hearing has be...